Wed 13 Dec 2023
Posted by DrSmokeRead other related stories: General Smoking Information
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The perfect fit of wood chunks in the Camp Chef Smoke Box
We frequently take phone calls and emails from people who don’t find their purchased equipment on our Match Your Cooker listing. As you can imagine, it can be a challenge to know every brand and model available of grilling equipment. But, our goal is always to find the perfect fit of wood to grill.
Recently, Steve W. of Bartlett, IL, passed along information on his newly purchased grill – the Camp Chef Woodwind Pro
Dial In the Amount of Smoke
Here’s the cool thing about this particular grill. The smoker box was designed to accommodate pellets, charcoal, wood chunks or wood chips. You can even use a combination of fuel products! Pretty awesome! The manufacturer’s design was specific to allow for more control of smoke flavor. This point is fascinating to me. I’ve listened to owners tell me they love the convenience of a pellet grill but hate the low smoke flavor. Or, that electric grills don’t allow for enough smoke production before the wood chips burn up.
Similar to the introduction of the hybrid grill, I put the Camp Chef Woodwind Pro in a similar category. It allows for variation in flavor and heat level (cooking technique) which is what a hybrid is all about.
A Little Goes a Long Way
With Steve’s help, the Camp Chef smoker box works best with just a few of our Double Filet Wood Chunk cuts. Steve indicated that if these are small pieces, a total of 3 pieces works perfectly! He can even add a bit a charcoal for extra great flavor. Our suggestion when ordering wood – just put a note in the special instruction section that you want smaller pieces of wood. We are always thrilled to customize when we can.
Make the Most of Your Grill Investment
In days gone by, everyone would own more than one grill to allow for flexibility with cooking style and flavor. However, we find that more people want to simplify their equipment and make one purchase that can offer more option. With the design of all inclusive grills like American Barbecue Systems, KBQ®, M Grills®, Char-Broil® Hybrid Grill and Medallion Series, and Coyote Gas Hybrid Grill, one quality purchase can do it all.
So, if your in the market for a new grill and want the versatility of various cooking techniques, consider a hybrid multi fuel option. Then find the perfect, forest grown wood product at SmokinLicious® to pair with it.