Preparing for Entertaining by Isac Atia is a great checklist to follow

Preparing for Entertaining by Isac Atia is a great checklist to follow



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by Isaac Atia, Founder of, an authority blog where he reviews top home, kitchen, and outdoors products.

(Read his latest post about the best kitchen faucets here)


Getting Your Kitchen Ready for Entertaining Guests

The beginning of the holiday season means that you need to change a few things on your domestic routine, especially if you are hosting guests. If you are expecting some guests this season, you need to clean several areas in your kitchen thoroughly. Come to think of it, much of the holiday festivities center on food. As such, you need to ensure that your kitchen is ready for guests.

In addition to stocking enough supplies in the kitchen, you should also ensure that the kitchen is clean. So, how do you go about preparing the kitchen for entertaining your guests? Discussed below are some of the tips you may use to ensure that the kitchen is ready for your guests.

Clean Up and De-clutter

First and foremost, you need to ensure that all the surfaces and countertops in the kitchen are clean. Again, a little more space may be what you need in the kitchen right now. This being the case, you should consider getting rid of all the clutter lying around, especially on the countertops. You can begin by getting rid of the items that really don’t belong in a kitchen, such as bills and mail lying on the countertop. Removing some items that do not need to be in the cupboards can also free up some needed space.

Now that you have decluttered the surfaces, you should clean them and ensure that the counters, backsplash, as well as the floor are all sparkling clean.

Prepare the Microwave and Oven

clean microwave ovenThese are some of the commonly forgotten appliances when cleaning the kitchen. It can be very embarrassing for a guest to offer to assist you in the kitchen only to find these appliances gross and dirty. Therefore, you should take time to clean both the inside and the outside of these appliances thoroughly as well.

While cleaning the oven, do not run the self-clean cycle. This is not advisable when you are expecting guests in your home. This cycle causes the oven to overwork, which may cause it to malfunction when you need it. Rather than running the self-clean cycle, you should use a wet rag to wipe the top of its burner clean.

Disinfect Your Trash Cans

However careful you are with trash cans in your kitchen, some dirt and gunk will still collect at its bottom. If you are preparing for some guests this holiday, you should ensure that the trash cans in your kitchen are clean and disinfected. As such, you need to take them out and clean them using dish soap and water. You may use a garden horse to rinse them clean. You should then use a cleaning spray to disinfect them. Again, you should also ensure that you have enough trash bags.

Stock Up the Staples

From where you’re standing, the pantry and spice rack in your kitchen may seem to be alright. However, you should check to see if they have all you need. In addition to stocking enough spices, you should also ensure that you have enough dish soap/detergent, aluminum foil, paper towels, plastic wrap and containers for leftovers. If you do not have the time to go out, you may buy these items online and have them delivered to your door step.

Prepare the Serve Ware

Are the knives in the kitchen ready for the task? You do not want them to hack away at the honey-baked ham when the guests are already there. As such, you should take time to have the knives sharpened. Again, you also need to take inventory of the basic supplies you will be using to serve food to your guests. This way, you can easily identify what your missing and buy it before the guests arrive.

Additionally, you should take time to go through your cookware, utensils, and cooking oils, serve ware and canned goods just to make sure that there is enough. As for the serve ware, they also need to be cleaned. As such, you need to clean the serving plate and polish the silver ones. You should also wash and iron the cloth napkins in preparation for your guests.

Preparing for guests can be a daunting task, especially if you don”t know how to go about it. As you already know, the kitchen is one of the places you will be using a lot when the guests are around. It helps to ensure that the kitchen is ready and well equipped for the task that lies ahead. The tips mentioned above will help you prepare your kitchen for entertaining guests. Hope you enjoy this guest blog PREPARING FOR ENTERTAINING!

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