Fri 13 Sep 2019
Stok™ Grill Settings
Posted by DrSmokeRead other related stories: Cooking , General Smoking Information , Smoking with chips , Smoking with chunks , Wood Questions
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How to set a Stok™ Grill: Our Video Response
We received the following inquiry from a Stok™ Grill user and Smokinlicious® blog follower:
“I want to smoke ribs on my STOK™ drum charcoal grill but am worried about getting a consistent temp and my ratio of wood chips to lump charcoal“?
Listen And Watch PART ONE:
Thank you, Mr. Brown, for your question submitted @smokinlicious on Instagram. Follow us on our blog, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, as we explore the culinary delights of wood-fired cooking and all the superb flavors! Wood – it’s not just for traditional barbecue – it has SO many great uses: ember cooking, baking, roasting, searing, cold smoking, etc.
Keep your questions coming!
Bon Bar B Q
Dr. Smoke and the Culinary Smoke Team

Thank you, to our follower who had a question on how to set a Kettle Grill