Wed 9 May 2018
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Electric Smoker Guy is our guest blogger
Electric-Smoker Guy Guest blogger
Tips from the Electric-Smoker Guy about electric smokers, reviews and how to choose the best unit. Read this and his blog to guide you in looking for a good quality smoker, purchasing electric smokers, analog smokers or digital smokers!
You don’t have to be an expert to prepare a perfectly smoked meat if you have the best electric-smoker by your side. Now, you have to be aware that you can’t just come into the store and ask for the best electric-smoker because that doesn’t exist.
The best unit for me and for you doesn’t have to be the same model and that is why it is important to know what to look for. You don’t have to be modest, there are many electric units on the market which means that you can adjust almost every part of the smoker to your needs.
If you don’t know where to start, let me guide you through the process of picking one for you.
#1 Choose the Capacity of an “Electric-Smoker”
The size of the smoker is the most important feature you can adjust because there is no need for buying a big electric smoker if you are smoking only for your family. If you want to smoke for your family and friends, go with the medium smoker and if you want to smoke for a large group of people, then I would suggest you take a look at the commercial-grade electric models.
#2 Choose the Place for Your “Electric-Smoker”
An electric smoker has to be outside and you can’t smoke in the kitchen if you don’t have a special ventilation, which most homes don’t. Choose a place for it and see if it can stay there all the time. That place should be protected from the wind, the rain and under a roof. If you don’t have that place, buy a smoker with wheels so you can take it out of the garage to smoke it and store it again when you are done.
#3 Choose the Features for Your “Electric-Smoker”
If this is your first smoker, choose the one that has a window on the doors so you can see the smoking process. That is very important, especially for rookies who aren’t sure what smoking does to the meat and how long it takes for the meat to be done. If you are constantly opening the door of the smoker you will lose smoke and the heat. That will prolongate the smoking process a lot. The window on the door should be from tempered glass to withstand the heat and it mustn’t be easy to break.
#4 Choose the Controller
The electric smoker can be analog and digital. The analog smoker shows you the temperature on a temperature gauge and it is not so easy to control it. The electric units, on the other side, are easier to control. You have to set the time and the temperature you want and the smoker will maintain the same temperature through the entire smoking process.
As you can see, smoking is not just picking the first smoker you see in the store and buying it. If you buy a good quality smoker you will be able to control the heat and the smoke better when using smoking wood chips, chunks, logs or dust and that will result in a good smoked meat. If you choose the best electric smoker you won’t have to do anything, the smoker will do most of the hard work. But, if you want to learn more about these electric units you can visit the site about them called the Electric-Smoker Guy:

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Dr. Smoke-Read more from the Electric Smoker Guy on choosing the best electric smoker!