Posted By: Dr. Smoke
We know you are all likely aware of the excessive number of cookbooks and resource books available in the area of grilling and smoking, and I’m sure you’ve purchased your share. I’m also sure you’ve experienced periods of disappointment when you finally get the opportunity to delve into the pages of that book only to find that the recipes don’t all relate to cooking on the grill or ceramic smoker, and the tips are in short supply.
With that being said, I want to give my stamp of approval on a great resource for all you advocates of ceramic cookers out there!
Smoke It Like A Pro on the Big Green Egg & Other Ceramic Cookers by Eric Mitchell is the ultimate resource for all things done on ceramic cookers! Over the years, I’ve lamented about the need for a cookbook that includes all the detail to actual cook the recipes on the smoker and/or grill! Finally, Mr. Mitchell does just that!
His personal commitment to ceramic smokers truly shows not only in the beautiful photographs of the foods and cooker techniques, but in his simplistic terminology and focus on the small details that will make this resource a favorite. Even if you don’t own a ceramic cooker, you will gain great tips on fire starting and manipulation of the fire for fuel and flavor, as well as exceptional recipes – my personal favorite is that extensive dessert listing that is all done on the cooker.
Now available online and at select bookstores, Smoke It Like A Pro on the Big Green Egg & Other Ceramic Cookers by Eric Mitchell will get you firing up that cooker despite the weather! “Bon-Bar-B-Q!”
Dr. Smoke- For our friends that own a ceramic smoker, here’s a helpful resource you shouldn’t pass up- “Smoke It Like a Pro” by Eric Mitchell!
For additional reading and insight on ceramic smoker, here’s a list that will interest you:
The Smokinlicious® Wood Guide for Ceramic Cookers
Don’t Forget the Water Pan When Smoking